Friday, August 23, 2019

Classroom management Plan II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Classroom management Plan II - Essay Example This process would allow an individual to confront their inner realities as well as their outer manifestations of actions or behaviors. Both strengths and weaknesses will be identified. As a result it would be easier for you to put strategies in place to improve your weak areas. An immediate response to this analysis should be to make a list of all the tasks that are to be completed. Itemize the important tasks, the urgent tasks and the routine tasks. Prioritize these responsibilities, generate a daily to do list and set a time limit for completion. An effective method for managing one’s time is to set realistic goals. As a student, one can quickly become overwhelmed by the heavy workload. It is necessary then to set sensible goals for what you would like to achieve within a specific day, week and month. Hence, if you are given seven assignments to complete for the same day, it would be impractical to set a goal of researching the seven assignments by the day after the assignments were given. Instead of researching all at once, a more pragmatic goal would be to complete the research of one assignment at a time. The time of completion would have to be staggered in order to ensure quality work is produced. Therefore setting a goal of completing one assignment 3 days before due date and another 2 days before would be a more realistic and sensible goal. Remember to reward yourself for achieving your goals. This third strategy is a direct link to the previous two in that after the analysis and the goals are set the next step is to formulate a schedule for achieving these goals. Hence, each goal should have its particular time period for fulfillment. A schedule allows you to view the various task at a glance and aids you in maintaining the time period you have allocated. A specific time period should be assigned each day to accomplish a certain task. Thus, for the previous example of the seven assignments, a good practice would be to

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